Awards & Grants

One of the missions of the SSM is to recognize the work of its members. Different award programs have been developed to do so for members at each career stage (i.e. student, postdoc, junior or senior researcher or professor). 

Students and Postdocs 

At each annual meeting, the SSM highlights the outstanding work of a young researcher with the Young Scientist Poster Award.

The SSM also launched the SSM Small Grants initiative for 2021. With these grants of a value up to 750$, the SSM wishes to facilitate empirical research among graduate students and postdocs who might otherwise not have the resources to pursue their own research ideas during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Moving on to 2022 and 2023, we launched the Research Exchange Grants for Young Motivation Scientists. These consist of travel stipends for young SSM members (doctoral students or post-docs) who want to visit a lab of an SSM member working on high-interest topics.


Early Career Members

Since 2020, the SSM annually confers an Early Career Award to a distinguished junior scientist who has made an outstanding empirical and/or theoretical contribution to motivation science. The winner is recognized at the society’s annual meeting as well as in the society’s outlets Motivation and Emotion and Motivation Science.

Senior Members

Since 2021, the Society for the Science of Motivation confers a Distinguished Contribution to Motivation Science Award to a senior scientist who has made a major theoretical and/or empirical contribution to motivation science.

Welcome to the SSM 

The Society for the Science of Motivation is an international, interdisciplinary organization of researchers who study motivation. Its mission is to encourage inquiry into all aspects of motivation from a variety of disciplines and perspectives, and to facilitate the dissemination of findings to a broad scientific audience. 

The SSM provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information, foster discussion of new ideas and findings on motivation among researchers, and encourages exchange and collaboration in research. It will do this through a list serve, online information exchange, annual conferences, and a journal dedicated exclusively to motivation research.